TalkNew - Learn Speaking English for free
TALK NEW....!!!!!

Cancellation Policy

  • You can cancel your account at any time, for any reason, by following the instructions in the Service's "profile." If the corporation assumes, at its absolute discretion, that you have violated the Terms and Conditions Agreement, it can terminate or cancel your account at any time without warning.
  • The Company retains the right to prosecute, cancel, and/or terminate your account if you abuse the Services or behave in a manner that the Company considers objectionable or illegal, even acts or communications that occur off the Service but include people you encounter via the Services. The below is a partial list of the types of actions you cannot take in relation to the Service:
    • Use obscene words.
    • Objectionable content should not be posted or transmitted.
    • Impersonate someone or something.
    • Solicit money from any or all consumers.
    • Post any material that is not permitted.
    • “Talk” or otherwise threaten someone.
    • Without our prior written permission, you cannot express or suggest any claims are approved by the Company.
    • Use the Services in an unauthorized way or to perform an unauthorized act.
    • Accessing the Service in a state where it is unlawful or prohibited.
    • Use any robot, worm, web search/retrieval tool, or other manual or automated system or mechanism to retrieve, catalogue or otherwise recreate or bypass the Service's navigational layout or presentation.
    • Collecting other users' personal details by electronic or other means for the purpose of sending unsolicited email or illegal framing or connecting to the Service.
    • Interfere with or interrupt the Service or the servers or networks to which it is connected.
    • Transmit any content containing software viruses or other programming code, files, or programmes intended to disrupt, disable, or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.
    • Forge headers or similarly exploit identifiers in order to conceal the sources of any knowledge transmitted to or via the Service (either explicitly or indirectly through the usage of third-party software)
  • To cancel your subscription, log in to your IAP account and follow the instructions. If you cancel your subscription, you will continue to use it until the expiration of your then-current subscription term; your subscription will not be extended after the end of your then-current term. You would not, though, be entitled to a prorated refund of any part of the subscription fee charged during the then-current subscription duration. Please reviews the terms of your application framework that govern you’re in-app transactions.

Refund Policy

  • If you die before the expiration of your subscription term, your will is entitled to a refund of the portion of the charge you made for your subscription that is allocable to the period after your death. If you become disabled (such that you are unable to use the services of TalkNew) by the end of your subscription period, you shall be entitled to a refund of the portion of any payment you have made for your subscription that is allocable to the period of your disability by providing the company notice at the same address as your subscription.
  • You would not be entitled to a refund on any unused payments for in-app transactions if your account is terminated or suspended
  • If you signed up for TalkNew using your Apple ID:
    To order a refund, go to iTunes, click on your Apple ID, choose "View Apple Id," sign in if prompted, choose "Purchase History," find the transaction, and tap "Report Issue." You can also send an email to https:/
  • If you signed up for TalkNew for your Google Play Store account:
    Please supply us with the order number by tapping the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of the “profile” Section on The TalkNew app. The order number can be found in the order confirmation email from the Google Play Store.
  • Termination and term when you use the Service and/or have a TalkNew account, Terms and Conditions Agreement will stay in full power and effect. You can cancel your account at any time, for any reason, by following the instructions in the Service's "Profile." If the corporation assumes, at its absolute discretion, that you have violated Terms and Conditions Agreement, it can terminate or cancel your account at any time without warning. You would not be entitled to a refund on any unused payments for in-app transactions if your account is terminated or suspended.
  • f. Digital object transfers are forbidden, and you cannot sell, redeem, or otherwise move virtual products to another individual or organization. Only via the programme can virtual objects be redeemed. Both virtual items purchases and redemptions made through the service are final and non-refundable. The supply of virtual objects for use of the Service is a service offered by TalkNew that begins immediately upon receipt of the order for such Virtual object. You agree to pay all costs and related charges through your TalkNew account. TalkNew reserves the right to adjust the prices for the goods and services sold by the Service at any moment. You agree that Talknew is not required to have a refund for any reason, and that you will not get money or other compensation for unused virtual items until an account is closed, whether voluntary or involved.